Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome to the world....

...of public transit!

I know there are probably dozens of people that have already created blogs on such subject (I did my research), as there are countless food and fashion blogs.  Although, I'm hoping that I can bring something different to the table.

To begin, I am currently a loyal rider of public transportation, however not by choice.  I am a 25 year old female with epilepsy, unable to drive and forced daily at the mercy of this blessed yet cursed form of transportation.  I should be so lucky!

I figured since I often enjoy ranting about my bus adventures with my driving (and other non-driving) friends, that maybe, just maybe other people out there would enjoy hearing about my wonderful and often irritating or horrid experiences.  From no-shows to smelly bums, please share with me the ride of a lifetime, whether you ride daily yourself or have never before, I hope you enjoy my stories that I hold so dear to my heart.

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