Thursday, January 19, 2012

God Damn the Bus.

Yesterday was a special day.  First day back at school, woo.  That was all fine and dandy until it was time for me to leave and meet up with a friend.

Cross the street to where the bus stop SHOULD be, and *poof!* it's gone.. What the fuck?  I did not get this memo.  I remember hearing something about them changing the schedule for this particular bus (among others) but nothing this drastic and for Pete's sake, why on God's green earth would you take away the bus stop on BOTH sides, going Northbound and Southbound from a high traffic area such as a school????

Some annoying girl helped me find the new bus stop five blocks up as I swore the whole way cursing the bus and their irrational decision to change the shit out of the route.  I mean, I guess it isn't THAT far of a walk, but I'm usually carrying tons of heavy shit (backpack, purse, sometimes an overnight bag, had my bag of school books this time) and it's just way more convenient for students to run for a bus right outside of the school.  OH, then I saw this poor lil' guy about my age in crutches hobbling his way up the hill to get to the bus stop.  It was ludacris!  Gah, whatever, just ONE MORE THING to adjust to.  Such is life.

I told my boyfriend about my frustration later on and he couldn't figure out why it upset me so much.  I don't expect him to understand, he drives.

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